
Hi! You can call me Milka, a mother of two cute boys who loves Pink, Japanese food and sweets and webdesigning. This is where I share my thoughts about life, my babies , anything cute and food reviews too!
Life and 2017
POSTED BY Admin ON Thursday, February 16, 2017 @ 1:59 AM | 0 comments,
Hello new blog! Hello first post for 2017!  I wanted to be as active and get this blog up to 2030! LOL!

So far, I haven't finished updating the pages yet, I felt like a newbie "again" in the blogging world after going MIA for a couple of years, I'm trying to fix and put some tweaks on it. How do you like my theme so far? Too girly? Yes. That's me. 

In this blog, I'll start sharing my not so random thoughts, plans, reviews, thoughts on food and places and everything, this is like my online diary. You can share your thoughts in the comment box, I'm very open to that.   photo STIL0285_d.gif

This 2017 was a balanced year for me. I had to lose my job as a Team Leader so I can look after my newborn baby.

Losing the position was very disappointing and I felt very sad about it somehow, because it's something that I never thought I could achieve. All along, I thought I'll only be that best team member, getting commendations, recognitions and all that. I was promoted after a year with all my Supervisor's confidence and trust that I'll be one of his someday...  But I'm a failure...

At some point, it's an advantage to look after my babies and be a good mother.  I gave birth to another baby boy last 02/05 and it felt like the first time. haha Never in my thought that I'll give birth inside a car! It all happened in just a snap! At 4:00AM, I felt contractions but I thought it was just this "false labor" we call, but after a few minutes, the contractions become intense and they recur every 5mins! That's the time I knew that I am about to give birth and the baby is on its "station". We had to rush to the hospital and a 60kmph doesn't count!  Sadly, the baby was in rush to see me and the world, I had to let him out in the passenger seat. I pity my husband cause I scratched him, punched him because of the pain hehe

When they came rushing, nurses and doctors are all panicky, like it wasn't the EMERGENCY ROOM! Would you expect someone rushing to the ER with a toothache? Really? Of course, you have to be as quick to attend to the patient and stop complaining about what happened. Unethical. The doctors keep asking questions and I also reply with all my memory and they would say "Naglolokohan naman tayo eh." HAHA Very funny.   

So I gave birth to a baby boy GOOD GOD there's no hemorrhage or concussion in the head or other complications since I gave birth to an unsterile place. If I only knew that would happen, I could've prepped my vajayjay and don gloves and catch the baby myself plus cord care. LOL He's heavier than my first baby, 7lbs and up to this day I'm still wishing he would be fair skinned just like his dad.  

He's doing good, he's always hungry. I always see to it that I breastfeed my babies so I really have to stay at home. I can't go full time and breastfeed. Breastmilk only lasts up to 3 days and I can't imagine leaving my baby for work, kinda heartbreaking.  

On the other side, I'm trying to work on being the best mom/wife. I'm trying to be that good 'ol wife but it doesn't work that way. 

I am hoping that the day I lose hope and faith in our relationship will never come. 
No matter how patient and loving a person can be, they also get tired. I hope the quote "Learn to rest,not to quit" can be applied if that happens.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
POSTED BY Admin ON Monday, February 13, 2017 @ 10:28 PM | 0 comments,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut tincidunt dignissim libero, eget lobortis orci tincidunt vel. Ut non tempor erat. Proin libero urna, vulputate id tincidunt at, efficitur et augue. Ut ut nibh mauris. Vivamus tristique pretium ornare. Maecenas dui felis, semper quis diam ut, suscipit euismod risus. Duis porttitor tortor est, quis imperdiet urna fringilla dapibus. Maecenas tempus fermentum eros, ac suscipit ex imperdiet vitae. Maecenas ut magna eu ante scelerisque mollis id in risus. Proin vel augue id arcu volutpat elementum. Praesent pretium velit et faucibus facilisis. Aliquam eu ante hendrerit, lobortis lorem vel, blandit justo. Cras feugiat, dolor id hendrerit laoreet, ipsum lectus venenatis magna, sed posuere tellus nisl ac ligula. Maecenas eget nisl pretium, bibendum orci finibus, maximus dui. Sed ut nisi accumsan, hendrerit est id, tempus lectus. Nullam ultricies laoreet lectus, eu viverra magna malesuada lacinia.

Fusce eu ipsum mi. Maecenas orci dui, blandit ut accumsan ac, porta in velit. Ut et tempor arcu. Praesent vulputate lobortis eros eget suscipit. Etiam odio turpis, convallis sed felis nec, rutrum eleifend lorem. Nullam molestie est nulla, vel sollicitudin ex volutpat id. Fusce vel ante vestibulum quam gravida pellentesque. Phasellus aliquam, velit quis suscipit suscipit, lorem felis dictum enim, a pellentesque massa nunc sed lacus. Quisque aliquet felis ac ex egestas euismod. Vivamus condimentum porttitor tortor, cursus ultricies leo laoreet a.

Etiam nibh lorem, blandit vel lacus ac, iaculis venenatis odio. Donec interdum orci eget ipsum tincidunt, in mollis eros commodo. Maecenas elementum libero ac magna fermentum lobortis. Maecenas tempor ut diam non finibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec vel lobortis enim. Proin nec tellus volutpat elit sodales pharetra. Vivamus bibendum mi ut posuere efficitur. Integer blandit sed neque sed congue. Pellentesque eget blandit neque, sed maximus urna. Nullam sagittis tellus at justo lacinia fringilla.

Nam scelerisque, lorem ut egestas vulputate, ex elit ultricies est, ut euismod sapien nibh ut odio. Sed non sapien eros. Praesent quis est nulla. In auctor lectus sem. Vestibulum tristique ex at iaculis imperdiet. Curabitur euismod, eros sed euismod tincidunt, ipsum nisl rhoncus lacus, a accumsan magna nisl in turpis. Phasellus consequat dignissim tempus. Praesent nec suscipit massa. Pellentesque rutrum, magna nec finibus porttitor, nibh nisl faucibus enim, auctor tempor lorem erat in lorem. Aenean pellentesque, lacus in efficitur blandit, augue ex interdum orci, in ultricies nulla justo efficitur ante. Morbi non est facilisis, rhoncus dolor vitae, vehicula magna. Pellentesque ac purus neque. Fusce varius pulvinar maximus. Sed et scelerisque orci.

Phasellus suscipit felis sem, nec consequat justo laoreet ut. Sed ac nulla at sapien vulputate laoreet in non est. Integer at tincidunt sem. Aenean fermentum rutrum posuere. Mauris fringilla maximus nunc ut faucibus. Pellentesque ac fermentum urna. Integer porttitor, leo nec condimentum eleifend, ex leo mollis elit, id lacinia nisi erat non sem. Donec dictum fringilla purus. Ut faucibus convallis mauris, at facilisis risus ultrices eget.